Robert Earl of Gloucester & The Many Illegitimate Children of Henry I of England

Henry I of England, son of William the Conqueror, also known as William the Bastard, was known to have a number of bastard children besides his two legitimate children: Matilda The Holy Roman Empress & William Adelin, Duke of Normandy, during his time as King and possibly before. His most famous and eldest illegitimate child was Robert, Earl of Gloucester, who became a powerful noble and strong supporter of the claim to the throne of his legitimate sister Matilda and later her son Henry II. He also had many bastards himself ironically, and his own son William FitzRobert 2nd Earl of Gloucester, a grandson of Henry I, also became powerful.

Robert Fitzroy - Earl of Gloucester
Two Images of Robert of Caen, known as Robert Fitzroy, Earl of Gloucester, The eldest of Henry I's many illegitimate children. (Google Images)

Known Illegitimate Children (Wikipedia):


  1. Robert FitzRoy, Earl of Gloucester, born in the 1090s.
  2. Richard, born to Ansfride, brought up by Robert Bloet, the Bishop of Lincoln.
  3. Reginald de Dunstanville, Earl of Cornwall, born in the 1110s or early 1120s, possibly to Sibyl Corbet.
  4. Robert FitzEdith, born to Edith Forne.
  5. Gilbert FitzRoy, possibly born to an unnamed sister or daughter of Walter of Gand.
  6. William de Tracy, possibly born in the 1090s.
  7. Henry FitzRoy, possibly born to Nest ferch Rhys.
  8. Fulk FitzRoy, possibly born to Ansfride.
  9. William, the full brother of Sybilla of Normandy, probably also of Reginald de Dunstanville.


  1. Matilda FitzRoy, Countess of Perche.
  2. Matilda FitzRoy, Duchess of Brittany.
  3. Juliane, wife of Eustace of Breteuil, possibly born to Ansfrida.
  4. Mabel, wife of William Gouet.
  5. Constance, Viscountess of Beaumont-sur-Sarthe.
  6. Aline, wife of Matthew de Montmorency.
  7. Isabel, daughter of Isabel de Beaumont, Countess of Pembroke.
  8. Sybilla de Normandy, Queen of Scotland, probably born before 1100.
  9. Matilda Fitzroy, Abbess of Montivilliers.
  10. Gundrada de Dunstanville.
  11. Possibly Rohese, wife of Henry de la Pomerai.
  12. Emma, wife of Guy of Laval.
  13. Adeliza, the King's daughter.
  14. Elizabeth Fitzroy, the wife of Fergus of Galloway.
  15. Possibly Sibyl of Falaise.

